Saturday 21 April 2012

James Casebere

James Casebere is an American artist that specializes in constructed photography. His pieces range from table-sized constructs made with simple materials, to large-scale instillations. His works are eerily realistic and it is difficult to tell if the places photographed are real or constructed environments. Some of his works that stand out to me are ‘Interrogation Room’ with its lone chair sitting in the cold, damp confines of the cell creating a rather haunting atmosphere. ‘Cell #1, Cell #2 and Cell #3’ because they are so damn claustrophobic. ‘Tunnel #2’ because the corridor seems to go on and on without end. ‘Yellow hallway #2’ for the way the water distorts the tiled floor. And finally ‘Western street’ because it looks like a creepy little town you might end up in if you were in a horror film (it reminds me of the town in the film ‘House Of Wax’)

 You can see his works (from 1975 to present) as well as other info on his website at:

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